Blogger Awards

I was nominated for two awards last week :$  I was nominated for the “One Lovely Blog Award” by the lovely KyrosMagica and OutOfTheWishingWell


I was nominated for the “Very Inspiring Blogger Award” by Sabrina over at BooksAndBark

wpid-very-inspiring-blogger-award (1)


These ladies are all amazing bloggers as well as being intelligent and very sweet :3  Thank you so much ^^

The Rules (Some of them had this and others didn’t so the rules are pretty fluid.)

  1. Thank and link the amazing person(s) who nominated you.
  2. List the rules and display the award.
  3. Share seven facts about yourself.
  4. Nominate 15 other amazing blogs and comment on their posts to let them know they have been nominated.

7 Random Facts About Me

1.  My favorite movie growing up was, The Last Unicorn.  If you haven’t seen the movie (because you weren’t an 80s kid) or read the book, I would recommend it.  It’s really sad though.  Well, it has one of those bittersweet endings.  I still get choked up watching the movie as an adult ;__;  It’s surprisingly deep for a children’s movie, but I don’t think that was the intended audience for the book.  It was also animated by a Japanese company so the characters look a bit like anime.


Picture from the movie, The Last Unicorn

2.  I’m really tall for a female, 6’0″.  It comes from my mother’s side as she is 5’10” and my little sister is 5’9″.  I hated being tall growing up because it made me different.  I remember my mom told me about an experimental surgery where they could shorten my legs.  I dreamed of that as a kid and begged my mom for it, but she refused to seriously consider the idea.  It was around 18 that I realized being really tall was a cool thing.  I like being tall now, but it’s not something I give much thought to.  I get lots of random comments from strangers about it, which is often awkward XD

3.  My hair is really long, down to my butt.  I didn’t actually have hair this long until five years ago when my health deteriorated.  I shut down, and I barely went out of the house due to pain.  I think I went two years without a trim XD  Now I get it trimmed every six months but it is still crazy long.  I’m going to cut it before my sister’s wedding and donate it to Pantene’s charity.  As a little girl I wanted long princess hair but my mom said I couldn’t because our family had poor quality hair.  Well, apparently she was wrong XD  I also have a chunk of my scalp that is much lighter than the rest, resulting in a patch of golden blonde hair while the rest is dark blonde.



4.  I love Heinz ketchup.  When I went over to Japan at 18 years old I brought a bottle of it with me, no joke.  They have ketchup in Japan, but it’s not Heinz.  Now my husband’s family thinks all Americans are obsessed with Heinz ketchup XD

5.  I’m an introvert with strangers and an extrovert with people I know.  As a kid my teachers all complained to my mother about how I needed to come out of my shell, and she always reminded them that I was a human not a turtle.  My closest friends are introverts through and through.  I tend to talk enough for both of us XD  On the internet I think I come off as an extrovert.  I’m not really sure how that works because I’m really shy with strangers and have mild social anxiety.

6.  When I was 15 my biggest crush was on Zidane from the video game Final Fantasy VII.  I remember bringing a picture of him to show my friends, and their response was unanimously, “He has a tail!”  So, why does that matter? XD


Photo from Final Fantasy IX by Square Enix

7.  During a sleepover at my best friend’s house, we watched the movie, The Brave Little Toaster.  When it got to the junkyard scene I lost it and got hysterical.  I was six years old at the time and my little heart bled for those poor cars as they were about to meet their doom.  My friend’s mom could not calm me down, and she had to call my mother to take me home.  I have never been able to re-watch The Brave Little Toaster.


Junkyard Scene from The Brave Little Toaster


So this was more difficult because I wanted to nominate those that nominated me XD  No rule saying I can’t, but since they just did this, I’m not sure they’d want to do it again so soon :$  I tried to nominate people that hadn’t been nominated recently, but that’s hard to do when you’re a new blogger.  In no particular order.

1. Megan @ The War In My Brain — She is such a lovely blogger and she’s so sweet :3  I always enjoy reading her posts, whether it’s about her life, struggles with OCD, crocheting, her kitty, etc.

2. Floresypaz @ Silent Spells — I love her writing because it’s introspective and beautiful.  Some of her pieces are like abstract art, and every time you experience it you discover something new.  She’s also been very sweet and left me some encouraging comments 🙂

3. Ambivalence Girl @ AmbivalenceGirl — Everyone’s struggle with anorexia is different.  In many ways it’s like cancer, some forms are more aggressive than others.  I admire how hard she fights against it on a daily basis.

4. Juicy @ JuicyBlockSack — She is one of my hip friends, and there aren’t that many of us on WordPress XD  But she is a definite inspiration.  It’s very emotional when you go from being a normal adult to being crippled by pain within days.  She had to give up her dreams of professional snowboarding due to hip dysplasia.  What I love about her is that she keeps fighting, and she’s managed to find meaning in such a difficult hardship.

5. Erik @ Erik Conover — He has ambitious dreams of being an actor.  Much of what we see is the fame and the fortune, but acting takes a lot of work, and trying to make it is very tough.  I admire the courage it took for him to pursue such a noble dream.  I think we should all live our lives so that we have no regrets.  And he’s a really nice guy too 🙂

6. Dysfunctional Hips @ DysfunctionalHips — She is another one of my hip friends from Facebook like Juicer.  Her hip story is complicated like mine.  Part of the issue may be that she also has Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome like me.  Nothing is every simple when you have EDS.  But she is so sweet and keeps fighting.  She keeps up a brave face for her kids.  It’s very difficult when the doctors aren’t sure what to do with you and you are left in limbo for a long time.  These hip problems couldn’t happen to nicer people 😦

7. Better Not Broken @ BetterNotBroken — She had a physically, verbally, and emotionally abusive husband, and was strong enough to get away.  She has been kind enough to share the wisdom she learned in the process.  Her posts are very informative, but also entertaining, and she has a great sense of humor.  I think her blog is very helpful if you have or know someone in an abusive relationship.

8. Krystol @ WritingsByKrystol — I love her determination, something that you need to break into the writing market.  It’s discouraging to get rejections, but I admire her passion to follow her dreams.  I believe she has self-published, but is currently looking for an agent as well.

9. Janna @ JannaTWrites — This woman is a master of flash fiction!  Along with many of her followers, I really enjoy reading her pieces.  She has beautiful prose as well and has mastered the art of short stories.  She’s also incredibly sweet :3

10. JSevick @ JSevick — Another writer that blogs about her thoughts and posts helpful tips she has learned along the way.  Her posts are often thought provoking, and she brings up issues I haven’t thought of before.

11. Dr. Sylvester @ DrSylvesterFiction — He’s writing a really cool fantasy story, and he shares his writing tips.  He’s also very nice and a cool person 🙂

12. Jodie @ Jodiellewellyn — She’s so popular I feel kind of silly nominating her.  I’m sure she’s gotten tons of these awards, lol.  I really enjoy her posts as they are both entertaining and informative.

13. Storiform @ Storiform — He’s a writer, and a very intelligent one at that.  His posts are always thought provoking.  And he quit his day job to follow his dreams, and I think there’s something very inspiring about that 🙂

14. Hailey @ PigsAndWriting — She touches on some very good points in her posts, such as mental illness and writing.  She is getting her M.F.A. in Creative Writing and teaches English to students at her university.  Her posts are always insightful and a pleasure to read.

15. Jay Dee @ ICanReadEncyclopedias — Another smart and entertaining blogger.  He covers a wide variety of writing topics that always make me think.  He’s also living in Japan, and blogs about his experience.  As an otaku married to a Japanese citizen, I find his posts about Japan informative and interesting.

24 thoughts on “Blogger Awards

  1. I think it’s awesome that you are 6’0, and I thought I was tall at 5’8. I know what you mean about, “random comments from strangers.” It seems like everyone has to comment on my height, as if I didn’t know I was tall. 🙂
    Introverts rock!

    • 5’8″ is a lovely height! I think for me the biggest problem was finding jeans long enough since I have a 36″ inseam XD Yeah, the comments on my height are always kind of weird. I don’t comment on someone’s hair being brown, or wearing glasses, or being short. I find myself wanting to stare at tall women, so I get the allure, but I don’t like being stared at, so I try my best not too. All of my best friends are introverts 🙂 They tend to be very loyal and caring as well, at least in my experience ^_^

      • Exactly! No one walks up to a person and says, “Wow, you’re really short,” or “Hey, you wear glasses.” For some reason, commenting on a person’s tallness is a totally normal thing to do. 🙂 I bet you were asked by lots of strangers if you were a basketball player or model (I got that all the time). 🙂

      • Yes, lots of people ask me if I play basketball or if I’m a model XD I actually went to an open call for Elite and they told me I needed to trim down so I lost 30 pounds and became anorexic. So that was the end of that. I was the right weight but was apathetic about everything. Someone came up to me in Walmart the other day and told me that I should be a model. I laughed and told her I’m almost 30. She told me I looked much younger XD I was bad at basketball. I was training to be a ballerina instead. But yeah, it gets tedious. Modeling is pretty competitive. The hard thing is that it’s all based on your looks and with the exception of weight, it’s something you can’t change. So I’m glad I didn’t do it, especially since I’m super self-critical. The chance of making it big is slim and I didn’t want to give up my education.

      • I was pretty bad at basketball too. 🙂 I always felt that way about modeling too; It’s very competitive and forces a person to look at themselves in a very critical way. Like you said, a person can only change so much about their looks, and I think focusing on only one aspect of yourself (body only) can make a person unsatisfied and unhappy. I’m glad you wanted to put education first. Go you! Besides, we don’t have to be models to be tall and beautiful. 🙂

  2. I love that your mom said, “She’s a human, not a turtle.” I consider myself an introvert, too. I was very quiet in school as well, and my teachers and classmates always harassed me about it. At home, in my comfort zone, I was a wild, obnoxious little beast. Congratulations on your accolades and thanks for the One Lovely Blog nomination! Also, I’m going to use your nominations above to introduce myself to new blogs. Thanks!

    • My mom was offended with the turtle and snail analogies, lol. Nothing wrong with quiet children. When I taught ballet, those were the ones I appreciated the most! Glad to know I’m not the only introvert/extrovert there is XD Yeah, when I know someone well I don’t shut up 😛 I know the hip world is a bit smaller, so nominate as few or as many as you want 🙂 I hope you’re doing well! I haven’t been on the hip forums much. I don’t consider it a good or bad thing. Just haven’t felt like talking about hips recently. Kind of burnt myself out last year on it :$

  3. Oh my goodness, no way! My favourite movie growing up was The Last Unicorn as well! I’d watch it over and over and I could say all the lines off by heart. It really does have a bittersweet ending. I haven’t watched it recently, but I’m thinking I should go back to it after reading this post. My other childhood movie was The Swan Princess 😛

    • *flails* I loved the Swan Princess too! I knew all the songs by heart XD The part about, “The Last Unicorn,” when she was turned into a human and she said she would rather die then be stuck in a human body. That really got to me ;_____; And then the ending how she doesn’t forget him. In the book it’s more obvious that the prince wants to spend the rest of his life searching for her. When she says that she is not like the other unicorns anymore, and has regret now because she was human, I just burst into tears. Peter S. Beagle actually released a short story that is a sequel to, “The Last Unicorn.” It’s really really sad though.

      • I didn’t know you liked Swan Princess! That was one of my ultimate favorite movies! I’ve wanted to see it again for a whil, anf have been looking for it. …I think I need to just order it online. I cant get myself to watch the sequels. ..I dont want them to ruin it XD

        Actually the other day, I saw the last unicorn on vhs at a thrift store. I had to get it 😀 I loved watching it. I remember my eyes watering during that movie. I’m so glad you showed it to me 😀

      • We can watch The Last Unicorn too :3 Yeah, it’s a very touching movie. It was Beagle’s most popular book. I have the soundtrack XD America sung most of the soundtracks. The were a popular band in the 70s/80s. One of their most famous songs is “Horse with No Name.”

  4. That is a most awesome an unique profile, I admire your tenacity and light you maintain in spite of adversity and wish you many happy returns in the publishing world. You take risks and treat people kindly, I am sure that will come back to you in the end. Thank you for the nomination and congratulations on all of your well deserved accolades.

  5. Love it! I can relate to point number 5. I also love unicorns. I collected them when I was a kid and still have some. I miss having long hair – grow! Congrats!

  6. Awesome! I’m glad you were nominated for the One Lovely Blog Award! (Goodness am I behind on comments!) 😛 I haven’t seen some of the blogs you nominated. I’ll be heading over to check them out soon! Aw, thank you for the compliments 🙂
    I loved the Last Unicorn as well. I thought it was beautiful. Although the version I saw may have been a remake. I can’t remember 😛

    • I think there is only one version of The Last Unicorn. Yeah, I still cry every time I see it 😦 I wanted her to stay a human and marry him, and live happily ever after. But that wasn’t meant to be. And the part about her having regret and being different than the other unicorns ;___;

  7. I think we all want what we aren’t – I am average height (5’6″) and would have loved to be taller! (I also wanted straight hair too, but that goes to show we don’t get what what we want 🙂 )

    I haven’t seen the toaster movie, but I cried when watching Toy Story 3, when he boxed the toys up and gave them to the neighbor kid. My husband made fun of me and I felt ridiculous!

    Thanks so much for thinking to nominate me (and writing nice things about me!) – I appreciate it.

    • Husbands are nice like that XD My husband made fun of me after I cried watching the third Star Wars prequel where Anakin becomes Darth Vader. Yes, I think it’s instinct to want that which we don’t have. I like being tall now, but it took 18 years, lol. Yes, your writing is lovely 🙂 I think I missed a few. Am trying to catch up on my reading and life :$

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